Financial Services

How to Create a Killer M&A Pitch Deck


Written by Finalis

Last edited on Mar 15, 2023

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If you’re looking for proven methods for creating killer pitch decks—one of the key tools for success in your M&A transactions—you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we will be discussing the fundamentals and key parts of an M&A pitch deck, and the specific information you should include for creating a compelling and irresistible pitch deck.

What is an M&A pitch deck?

An M&A pitch deck is a marketing instrument that is commonly used in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. It is essentially a sales document, outlining the main attributes of the entity being transacted. This document is then used by the investment bank’s directors to promote the deal transaction. 

A pitch deck aims to give potential investors a glimpse into the workings of a business by presenting its key aspects, such as products, services, and business plan overview. It is not an exhaustive document that covers every aspect of the company. Rather, it serves as a tool to communicate important information and is only one part of the broader process of seeking investment or pursuing an M&A deal. Much more work is required if your firm proceeds with funding or acquisition.

Fundamentals for creating an M&A pitch deck:

  • Understand the target audience: Before crafting your pitch, it's important to understand the perspective and needs of the potential acquirer. Tailor your pitch to match the acquirer’s industry, financials, and strategic goals.
  • Highlight the value proposition: Clearly articulate the value that your company brings to the table. These include a unique product or service, a strong market position, and the employment of a talented management team. Use data and statistics to back up your claims.
  • Show a clear growth strategy: Acquirers want to see a coherent plan for growth and scalability. Outline your company's  plans and how the acquisition will advance these.
  • Emphasize synergies: Acquisitions are often driven by the potential for cost savings and revenue synergies. Clearly identify potential areas of synergy between your company and the acquirer.
  • Use storytelling: A compelling story can make your pitch more memorable and engaging. Use anecdotes and case studies to illustrate the value of your company and the benefits of the acquisition.
  • Use visuals: Deploy charts, graphs, and other visual aids to make your pitch more engaging, helping the acquirer understand your company's story and value proposition.
  • Be prepared to answer questions: Expect to field questions the acquirer may have about your company, the acquisition, and the integration process.
  • Be confident: Be prepared to address any concerns or objections that may come up—the goal is to leave a positive and lasting impression on the acquirer.

Key parts of an M&A pitch deck:

  • Introduction: Who you are and what you are offering
  • Your team: Leaders and team members 
  • Problem: States exactly what problem your product and/or service solves
  • Solution: Explains the solution to the problems 
  • Business model: How your company makes money 
  • Differentiation: What makes your company, products and/or services stand out from others in the same space
  • Products and services: What you offer and how it helps your customers
  • Market: Your target market, its size and demographics
  • Competition: Who else is doing what you’re doing 
  • Investing: Current budgets and size of investment sought
  • Contact information: All your contact details—how people can reach you quickly

Specific information to include when creating a killer M&A pitch deck:

  • Financials: An overview of the company's financial performance, revenue, profit, and growth. Use charts and graphs to visually represent this information.
  • Market size: Specify the total addressable market (TAM) for the company's products and services, and the potential for growth.
  • Traction: Show the company's traction in terms of customers gained, revenue made, and user engagement.
  • Social validation: Provide quotes or stories from satisfied customers  demonstrating the value of the company's products and services.
  • Go-to-market strategy: Outline the company's plans for reaching and acquiring customers, including any partnerships or distribution channels.
  • Case studies: Cite examples of how the company has successfully resolved customer challenges and issues.
  • Intellectual property: Detail the company’s patents, trademarks, or proprietary technologies.
  • Exit strategy: Discuss the company's exit strategy and plans for returning value to investors.
  • Management team: Highlight the experience and accomplishments of the company's management team.
  • Advisors and partners: List advisors, board members, or key partners of the company.
  • Future vision: Outline the company's vision for the future, including any planned product launches or market expansions.
  • Timeline: Provide a timeline for the company's plans and milestones.

How can Finalis help this process?

Creating a killer M&A pitch deck is essential for success in M&A transactions. As Finalis is the fastest-growing investment banking platform in the lower middle markets, our insights into what is happening in this uncertain global market are actionable: despite the threat of a global recession, dealmaking in the lower middle markets space will continue to be active. This is so because it is precisely the fear of a recession that has caused a shift in dealmaking towards smaller deals. And don’t just take it from us; according to PwC research, now is not the time to fall out of love with M&A.

Investment bankers can leverage Finalis’ Marketplace™  to connect with other dealers and facilitate transactions. With the platform, dealmakers have access to a network of other professionals in the investment banking industry, expanding their reach and increasing their chances of finding the right counterpart for their deals. The Marketplace provides a centralized location for dealmakers to share information and collaborate with other participants, improving the chances of successful engagements. It offers features such as deal tracking and document management, which streamline the dealmaking process and reduces the risk of errors or miscommunication. 

Eager to learn more? Book a call with our capital markets team and discover how you can expand the reach of your network.

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